New Zaeland: Victoria PhD Scholarship

New Zealand: Victoria PhD Scholarship

*History or background of award*
For the purpose of encouraging postgraduate research, one objective being to
build up strong research schools at the University, Victoria offers PhD
scholarships to those about to commence their doctoral studies. These
scholarships are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand and
international students in any discipline.

* Purpose of award*
These Scholarships are intended to encourage doctoral study at Victoria
University of Wellington.

* Selection criteria*
The Scholarships are open to graduates of any university within or outside
of New Zealand who intend to enrol either for PhD. In exceptional cases,
applications may be considered from students seeking scholarship support for
a PhD degree for which they are already enrolled at VUW. In such cases
applicants are required to provide detailed evidence of their exceptional
circumstances which must be accompanied by clear support from their

* Number of awards offered*
Approx 35 for PhD study

* Value*
Doctoral degree: $20,000 each year
Domestic tuition fees
$500 thesis allowance

* Tenure of award*
Scholarships will normally be tenable for three years. For a student who has
already been enrolled for a PhD at VUW for more than 12 months at the time
when the offer of a Scholarship is made to him/her, the maximum length of
tenure of the Scholarship will be reduced at the discretion of the Academic

* Closing dates for applications*
Monday 17 July 2006
Wednesday 01 November 2006

* How do students apply?* Applications should be sent to:

Scholarships Office
Office of Research and Post Graduate Study
10 Kelburn Parade
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Wellington, New Zealand

Details of Targeted Scholarship areas are set out below under 'Other
Information' and are also included in the application package.

* Applicants should include with their application an outline of their
proposed programme of research and should also ask two referees to send,
direct to the Scholarships Officer, a confidential report on the suitability
of the proposed programme and the ability of the applicant to carry out this
particular programme and/or a programme of advanced research in general.

* Applicants should also contact the relevant VUW department/school as soon
as possible to confirm the suitability of the proposed programme of research
and the availability of adequate supervision.

* Applicants, other than those who have completed all their study at VUW,
must include a certified copy of those academic records from other
institutions with this application. The academic record of the year of
application will be obtained, where applicable, by VUW.

* Decision makers*
The University Scholarships Committee, a sub-committee of the University
Research Council

* How and when do students learn of the decision?*
First offers of Victoria Phd Scholarships will be made in August and late
December of the year of application. Because some applicants may in the
event decline the offer of a Scholarship with the result that further offers
have to be made, it is possible that some applicants will not be finally
notified of the success or otherwise of their applications until as late as
the end of February of the following year.

* What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award?*
Scholarship recipients shall be required to devote themselves full-time to
their programme of research during the tenure of the scholarship and may not
hold a position of emolument without the approval of the University
Scholarships Committee. Approval may be given for scholarship recipients to
undertake paid employment (usually tutoring) for up to a maximum of 600
hours in any one calendar year. All requests to undertake part-time
employment must be supported in writing by the supervisor.

Once the period of tenure of a scholarship has commenced, the University
Scholarships Committee may, at its sole discretion, grant a scholarship
recipient a deferment of their scholarship for a period not exceeding one
year. In most cases such a deferment will coincide with a formal suspension
from their PhD enrolment. A scholarship shall be terminated if a scholarship
recipient ceases to resume the aforesaid programme of research within one
month of the last day of the period of the deferment.

* Additional information*
Applicants who are permanent residents of New Zealand, Australia, France or
Germany will, in addition to the scholarship emolument, be provided with the
full cost of their tuition fees. Overseas doctoral students, from January
2006, will also be eligible for domestic tuition fees.

Applicants, other than those who have completed all of their study at
Victoria, must include a certified copy of their academic record from other
institutions with this application. Applicants whose degree has been
conferred at any university other than a New Zealand University will be
considered in two categories: Category 1 - applicants from the UK, Ireland,
USA, Canada, Germany or Australia must supply an original or certified copy
of their university transcript.

Category 2 - applicants from any other country must have their transcript
verified and assessed with a course by course evaluation by one of the below
educational evaluators:
Educational Credential Evaluators
National Recognition Information Centre [UK]

Who else has information about this award? The University Scholarships

For guidelines, application forms and more information about this award

The Scholarships Officer
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600

New Zealand

Phone: (04) 463 5113
More international scholarships

Application form available
Full regulations can be downloaded

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